High Tatras


Hello, my name is Florian. I’ve started this blog-project in 2019 out of sheer curiosity, for the purpose of language learning (Slovak and English in particular, my native language is German) and for enhancing my writing skills.

Despite it might appear as such this website should not be taken for an actual travel blog, yet can be read as an adventure blog of sorts (and here I upload a good deal of my photos in lieu of social media that I use only sporadically). It has a narrow spectrum in this sphere though and I’ll try my best to bring the focus on Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland – countries where a West Slavic language is spoken that is.

This blog-project includes topics about Engineering – I am a mechanical engineer by trade – which offer a background-story worth telling or hands-on/practical value. These things may entirely be outsourced to other platforms (such as YouTube) in the future.

For the reason I mentioned above please note that this is a mixed language blog. Entries will for the most part be available in English, technical articles will be available in German only (you can of course use a translation engine if you are interested in the subject-matter).

There might be the occasional article in Slovak or Polish in a time yet to come (I studied Polish and Slovak at the universities in Kraków and Bratislava, respectively).

And for this is a non-commercial and part-time project of one single individual, existing content may be edited or deleted without notice.

Note: all photos and videos on this blog are taken solely by myself either with mobile phone camera or a Canon EOS 250D DSLR (and in some cases with an Akaso Action Cam); for the very few exceptions, sources will be given.

– July 15, 2024