Spring and summer hikes in Middle Bohemia (Mělník) and the Přírodní Rezervace (National Park or Biosphere Reserve) Kokořínský důl.
Spring and summer hikes in Middle Bohemia (Mělník) and the Přírodní Rezervace (National Park or Biosphere Reserve) Kokořínský důl.
Mountaineering is a dangerous pastime, make no mistake about it.
Last weekend I suffered a fall in the Dolomites in South Tyrol and injured my left arm badly, yet training and a fair share of luck saved me from far worse injuries.
So now is as good a time as any to give some information and guidance as to hazard prevention and preparations when making a mountain tour what … read more
What an attentive reader of contemporary books, printed periodicals and online media is bound to notice in the span of years or even a few months is an as it were familiar set of recurring themes, accompanying an (usually, but not necessarily) unprecedented and dreadful kind of event or a political circumstance.
One of those recurring themes is the expectation of a soon to come collapse of the economic … read more