Hiking tours from the Zbojnícka chata (1960 meters AMSL) to Sedlo prielom (Polish: Rohatka, 2290 meters AMSL).
Descent to Poľský hrebeň and from there to Sliezsky dom (1670 meters AMSL), with the finishing point Starý Smokovec (1010 meters).
Photos and video
Autumn 2023
Autumn 2021
Map, Topography
Notes and recommendations
It is also possible and probably more convenient to traverse the saddle from the west (ascending the more difficult “via-ferrata” sections instead of descending; I did not make photos of that section, sorry for that), though most hikers seem to traverse it the other way round.
I recommened wearing crampons or spikes on your boots when there is a layer of snow on the trail though the ascent is not overly technical. I would also recommend wearing a helmet, especially when there are many people on the trail on a given day.