Tag Archives: Dolomites

Die Dolomiten.

The Günther-Messner-Steig in South Tyrol


Günther Messner was a twenty-four year old mountaineer from Villnöß, South Tyrol (Südtirol), who perished in the Himalaya mountain range more than five decades ago.

He was a younger brother of Reinhold Messner, who himself had been involved in the events leading to his brother’s disappearance at the merciless Nanga Parba mountain in June 1970.

In the 2000s, human remains of Günther Messner were discovered at the … read more

11 Mountaineering Preparations


Mountaineering is a dangerous pastime, make no mistake about it.

Last weekend I suffered a fall in the Dolomites in South Tyrol and injured my left arm badly, yet training and a fair share of luck saved me from far worse injuries.

So now is as good a time as any to give some information and guidance as to hazard prevention and preparations when making a mountain tour what … read more

Dolomites (part 2)


This blog post is a continuation of a past article about hiking tours in Northern Italy.

Cima Roccapiana, July 25

Mezzocorona, a town surrounded by large vineyards on 219 meters AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level; every height stated below is AMSL), is reachable from Trento by train within fifteen minutes.

The peak I had chosen for this day was Cima Roccapiana (“Flat Rock … read more