Tag Archives: High Tatras

High Tatras: Kriváň, Rysy, Štrbské pleso

Table of contents

Kriváň, October 1
Predné Solisko, October 2
Rysy, October 3
Skalnaté pleso, October 4


Western High Tatras

As opposed to my summer tours, I steered for the western parts of the High Tatras mountain range (not to be confused with the “Western Tatras” or “Západné Tatry”) this autumn .

The town of Štrbské Pleso, the final station of the meter-gauge railway Tatranské Elektrické … read more

High Tatras: Východná Vysoká, Obrovský vodopád


The following text is a follow-up of this blog-post.

Východná Vysoká, August 15

I set off at the green marked trailhead at the train station in Tatranská Polianka (1005 meters AMSL, i.e. Above Mean Sea Level; every height stated below is AMSL), a village with about two hundred inhabitants located three kilometers west of Starý Smokovec.

Excluding breaks, it took me four hours to ascend … read more

High Tatras: Slavkovský štít, Veľká Svišťovka, Zelené pleso

Getting started

The city of Poprad(-Tatry) in the Prešovský kraj (north-eastern Slovakia) suggests itself as a base for hiking tours through the High Tatras on grounds of its location at the south-eastern foothills of the imposing mountain range, and also because of its size (50.000 inhabitants). So you won’t find there an infrastructure solely designed for tourist needs but also larger supermarkets, shops of various kinds, and a nightlife of … read more