Tag Archives: Low Tatras

The Low Tatras main ridge (part 2)

Part 1 (hiking from Telgárt to Chopok, Kráľovohoľské Tatry) is available here.

Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras) – Ďumbierske Tatry

This spring I was able to complete the Low Tatras main ridge tour, namely the part between the town of Donovaly and Chopok, a mountain boasting a height of 2024 meters hence making it the third highest peak in the Low Tatras mountain range.

dark-red cabin pictograms: you can read more

The Low Tatras main ridge (part 1)

Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras) – Kráľovohoľské Tatry

Socializing, making friends and finding great comradery was and of course still is for me the most enjoyable aspect of any several-day outdoor adventure in a high altitude mountain area.

One such small adventure that offers just that is hiking across the Low Tatras main ridge in Slovakia, even in fine weather a challenging mountain tour that usually takes up five days.

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11 Mountaineering Preparations


Mountaineering is a dangerous pastime, make no mistake about it.

Last weekend I suffered a fall in the Dolomites in South Tyrol and injured my left arm badly, yet training and a fair share of luck saved me from far worse injuries.

So now is as good a time as any to give some information and guidance as to hazard prevention and preparations when making a mountain tour what … read more