High Tatras: Slavkovský štít, Veľká Svišťovka, Zelené pleso

Getting started

The city of Poprad(-Tatry) in the Prešovský kraj (north-eastern Slovakia) suggests itself as a base for hiking tours through the High Tatras on grounds of its location at the south-eastern foothills of the imposing mountain range, and also because of its size (50.000 inhabitants). So you won’t find there an infrastructure solely designed for tourist needs but also larger supermarkets, shops of various kinds, and a nightlife of … read more

Summer weekend in South Bohemia: Třeboň, České Budějovice


South Bohemia (Jihočeský kraj) with its capital České Budějovice (Budweis) is one of 14 regions in the Czech Republic (aka Czechia).

Located in the very south of the Czech Republic with immediate borders to Germany and Austria (we traveled via Linz to Budweis), this rather secluded region with its picturesque landscapes is a perfect setting for long romantic walks and for extensive cycling or hiking tours.… read more

Ouvrage Hackenberg


In 2017 I spent short holidays in Northern France for both improving my French skills and for broadening my horizons about culture and history.

History is a subject I’ve been interested in my whole life, so I was glad to have the opportunity to visit several historic battlefields in Lorraine and Alsace (Elsass-Lothringen1), which aren’t far off from the borders to Germany and Luxembourg.

The … read more