All posts by Florian Dirnberger

Mechanical engineer

Ferngesteuerte Pflanzen-Bewässerung mit dem Raspberry Pi

1. Einleitung

Oh, wie ich mich jeden Winter darauf freue im Frühling und Sommer auf meinem Balkon Pflanzen wachsen und gedeihen zu sehen.

Für so manche Gewächse habe ich in den letzten Jahren eine gewisse Schwäche entwickelt, wie zum Beispiel für Gemüse und Sonnenblumen.

Sonnenblumen, botanisch korrekt Helianthus annuus, sind an sich recht anspruchslose Pflanzen, die jedoch trockene Erde in heißen Sommern über längere Zeit nicht sehr gut vertragen.… read more

Dolomites (part 1)


The Dolomites mountain range1 is a place I’ve never visited before, though the region is not really far off from my home in Bavaria: with the Eurocity connection about four hours from Munich to Bolzano, and about five and a half hours to Verona.

As someone who hiked and climbed almost exclusively in the High Tatras in Slovakia in the last two years, the difference in appearance of … read more

Inspiring figures of history: Jozef Gabčík

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Slovakia during the 2nd World War
  3. Operation Anthropoid
    1. Exiles
    2. Prelude
    3. Preparations
    4. Assassination
  4. Facing the death
  5. Epilogue
  6. References

1. Introduction

During the apex of the pandemic a few months ago a remote family member passed away quietly in a nursing home where she had been living in her last years. She was well over ninety, and due to the circumstances at that time only a very small … read more