High Tatras: Bystrá lávka, Priečne sedlo

Tours in 2019 in the Slovakian part of the High Tatras1 mountain range: August, October.

High Tatras (Vysoké Tatry)

This summer I wanted to hike through some of the elongated valleys in the High Tatras mountain range, and to climb two particular mountain saddles: Bystrá lávka and Priečne sedlo (colored orange on the map below).

1 as usual, I’ll use the English translation throughout the article; read more

Inspiring figures of history: Jeanne d’Arc

FAITH is the basis of all “miracles” and mysteries that cannot be analyzed by the rules of science

– “Think and grow rich”, chapter 3


It is the 29 April 1429.

English troops have been besieging Orléans, a city situated on the powerful Loire river in north-central France, for over six months.

The French royal army faces once more its main adversary in a gruesome and convoluted conflict … read more