Dolomites (part 2)


This blog post is a continuation of a past article about hiking tours in Northern Italy.

Cima Roccapiana, July 25

Mezzocorona, a town surrounded by large vineyards on 219 meters AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level; every height stated below is AMSL), is reachable from Trento by train within fifteen minutes.

The peak I had chosen for this day was Cima Roccapiana (“Flat Rock … read more

Ascent to Westliche Karwendelspitze (Karwendel mountain range)


Hiking tour from Mittenwald (912 meters AMSL) to the Westliche Karwendelspitze (2385 meters AMSL) in the Karwendel mountain range.


Map, Topography

Notes and recommendations

Metal supports (ropes etc.) in some sections along the Karwendelsteig.

Snowfields tend to be very persistent, so even in July winter equipment (such as spikes or crampons) may be necessary.

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