Ascent to Piz Duleda (Dolomites)


Hiking tour from Zans (Rifugio Zannes, 1680 meters AMSL) to Piz Duleda (2909 meters AMSL) via Kreuzjoch and Roa Scharte (2617 meters AMSL), located in the Dolomites in South Tyrol.


July 9, 2023
September 8, 2022

Map, Topography

Notes and recommendations

I recommend wearing a helmet from the Roa Scharte on, but otherwise it is hardly a technical ascent.… read more

The Low Tatras main ridge (part 1)

Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras) – Kráľovohoľské Tatry

Socializing, making friends and finding great comradery was and of course still is for me the most enjoyable aspect of any several-day outdoor adventure in a high altitude mountain area.

One such small adventure that offers just that is hiking across the Low Tatras main ridge in Slovakia, even in fine weather a challenging mountain tour that usually takes up five days.

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